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"Reflections on Peace"
by Melodie

"Reflections on Peace"

This piece was inspired by a place in my mind... a place of true serenity. The rainbow colors reflect harmony, the sunset a promise for tomorrow. My wish for this world is to find peace, but it starts within each and every one of us. Until we find it individually, it cannot happen collectively. I hope this painting reflects serenity for you and helps you find that special place within.

Original Acrylic (11" x 14") - $300 Framed
"Tranquility... at day's end"

I was inspired from a photo to create this piece. Water has always given me such a sense of healing and serenity... the sun, a sense of warmth and comfort. Contemplating the sun going down over the water gives me the assurance that at the end of the day, at the end of our lives, all is well. That sense of completion... that warm sigh of "knowing" is a very special feeling. Each day is a treasure, each sunset a gift... it is ours to enjoy.

"Tranquility... at day's end"
by Melodie
Original Acrylic (16" x 20") - $600 Unframed

"Twilight Shadows over Red River"
by Melodie
"Twilight Shadows over Red River"

It was a surreal evening standing on the balcony of our hotel room. The clouds were a deep sepia purple and the fog was rolling in. It was totally silent, except for the wind in the pines that seemed to speak to the clouds rolling across the sliver of a moon... a "Cheshire cat" kind of a moon that smiled over the mountains toward Taos.
Original Acrylic (12" x 16") $350 Framed
Spirit Echoes
P.O. Box 26701
Austin, TX 78755
Phone: (512) 331-8310